Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (2025)






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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (4) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (5)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:53 am

Mrs Ben Solo wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

This is exactly what I was expecting with Luke and Rey tbh, not all the Evil!Luke stuff. I know it will disappoint some but I think it could be really uplifting if done well. There is still the matter of where Kylo landing on Ahch-To comes into it, which is bound to shake things up.

@Mrs Ben Solo

Me too. But still, there's no way this is actually the entire backstory. I've never believed Luke would turn out to be evil/dark - and I never hoped for anything of the sort, as a life-long Luke Skywalker fan myself - but I just don't think the story is going to be this simple either. IMO.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (6)
Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (10) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (11)byDarth_Awakened Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:53 am

Darth Dingbat wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

Some interesting stuff there. For example:

“Luke] made a huge mistake in thinking that his nephew was the chosen one, so he invested everything he had in Kylo, much like Obi-Wan did with my character,” Hamill says. “And he is betrayed, with tragic consequences. Luke feels responsible for that. That’s the primary obstacle he has to rejoining the world and his place in the Jedi hierarchy, you know? It’s that guilt, that feeling that it’s his fault, that he didn’t detect the darkness in him until it was too late.”

Well, there's something I never would have guessed... Luke thinking Ben was the Chosen One. Hmmm what the heck.

@Darth Dingbat

I thought it was Anakin. ?!

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (12)
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (13)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (16) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (17)byISeeAnIsland Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:54 am


As we know, the young scavenger was ditched as a child on the hardscrabble junkyard world of Jakku by unknown parents and left for years to survive on her own. But lately, she has gotten accustomed to making fast friends, like BB-8, Finn, Chewbacca, and General Leia Organa. Even the murderous Kylo Ren became fascinated by her strength and resilience after kidnapping her.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (18)
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (19)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
Localisation : Seattle, WA

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (22) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (23)byBenOrgana Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:54 am

Anakin was the chosen one of that particular prophecy ... maybe there was another one?

Jedi Youngling
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (27) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (28)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:56 am

So, what if...

- Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One, but Rey is the Chosen One instead! (failure!Ben replaced by perfect Jedi goddess)

- Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One... and he is, but just not the way anyone expected! (see: Anakin)

- Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One... but what was needed was in fact the Chosen Two! (my favourite Reylo option)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (29)
Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (30)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (33) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (34)byGuest Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:56 am

Darth_Awakened wrote:

Darth Dingbat wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

Some interesting stuff there. For example:

“Luke] made a huge mistake in thinking that his nephew was the chosen one, so he invested everything he had in Kylo, much like Obi-Wan did with my character,” Hamill says. “And he is betrayed, with tragic consequences. Luke feels responsible for that. That’s the primary obstacle he has to rejoining the world and his place in the Jedi hierarchy, you know? It’s that guilt, that feeling that it’s his fault, that he didn’t detect the darkness in him until it was too late.”

Well, there's something I never would have guessed... Luke thinking Ben was the Chosen One. Hmmm what the heck.

@Darth Dingbat

I thought it was Anakin. ?!


Didn't Matt Martin or someone else from the Story Group recently say that the force was balanced for a time and then it went out of whack again? I'm not sure if I'm recalling it correctly, but it suggests that maybe Anakin wasn't *the* chosen one after all. Misread the prophecy could have been!


Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (37) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (38)byISeeAnIsland Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:58 am

Mrs Ben Solo wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

This is exactly what I was expecting with Luke and Rey tbh, not all the Evil!Luke stuff. I know it will disappoint some but I think it could be really uplifting if done well. There is still the matter of where Kylo landing on Ahch-To comes into it, which is bound to shake things up.

@Mrs Ben Solo

I don't think anyone will be "disappointed"... It's more like some of us had fun speculating about what a Dark Luke might look like, and how that might turn things on their heads.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (39)
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (40)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (43) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (44)byGuest Wed 09 Aug 2017, 11:58 am

Darth Dingbat wrote:

Mrs Ben Solo wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

This is exactly what I was expecting with Luke and Rey tbh, not all the Evil!Luke stuff. I know it will disappoint some but I think it could be really uplifting if done well. There is still the matter of where Kylo landing on Ahch-To comes into it, which is bound to shake things up.

@Mrs Ben Solo

Me too. But still, there's no way this is actually the entire backstory. I've never believed Luke would turn out to be evil/dark - and I never hoped for anything of the sort, as a life-long Luke Skywalker fan myself - but I just don't think the story is going to be this simple either. IMO.

@Darth Dingbat

No, I don't think it will be that cut and dried either. I'm liking your chosen one options, and I'd prefer it to be a chosen two as well!


Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (47) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (48)byBenOrgana Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:01 pm

I doubt they're going to "rewrite" the I-VI prophecy as George Lucas was pretty clear on Anakin being the chosen one - he brought balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, as predicted. Pablo even restated that a few days ago. But there could be another prophecy ...

This phrasing is interesting ...

A big part of Rey’s future will be uncovering her own past: Who is connected to her? Where did she come from? And why was she cast away?

As she tries to pick up her own pieces, she may find they fit together well with the remnants of Luke Skywalker. Working together, they may become whole again.

Jedi Youngling
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (49)

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Date d'inscription : 2017-01-18

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (52) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (53)byGuest Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:02 pm

ISeeAnIsland wrote:

Mrs Ben Solo wrote:

@Darth Dingbat

This is exactly what I was expecting with Luke and Rey tbh, not all the Evil!Luke stuff. I know it will disappoint some but I think it could be really uplifting if done well. There is still the matter of where Kylo landing on Ahch-To comes into it, which is bound to shake things up.

@Mrs Ben Solo

I don't think anyone will be "disappointed"... It's more like some of us had fun speculating about what a Dark Luke might look like, and how that might turn things on their heads.


Yeah, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Dark!Luke speculation, some of it had really great storytelling potential. It just seems like some people regarded the 'Rey helps to restore Luke's hope/faith' as the worst possible option. But as Darth Dingbat said, there's sure to be more to the story than has thus been reported, especially as EW said they would not be publishing spoilers only setting out the themes of the story.


Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (56) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (57)byPiper Maru Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:03 pm

LMAO the best part is the article putting Kylo's fascination in the same level with "Rey's new friends".

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (58)
Piper Maru
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (59)

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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (62) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (63)byXylo Ren Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:03 pm

What a great article! Where do I start?

Luke is "broken", "grumpy", "not who she's heard about", "not who we know either", "wants to stay lost" and doesn't welcome Rey.

Rey is "so hopeful to everything" and then is put off by Luke rejecting her. Look at that pic of him in the doorway!

"I’m with this grumpy guy on an island who doesn’t want me here." and “I don’t think one girl, who he doesn’t know, turning up with a lightsaber is gonna make him go, ‘Oh, s—, yeah, of course I’ll get back into the action,’” Ridley says.

Mmmm, such delicious conflict. And why would they put in this dynamic I wonder? To perhaps push her into a different pair of teaching hands? Smells possible to me. Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (64)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (65)
Xylo Ren
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (66)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-27

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (69) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (70)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:05 pm

I just think this "Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One" thing opened up a ton of a new possibilities...

For one thing, I think few fans actually thought there would be a new Chosen One at all. In fact, many seem to be actively opposed to messing with Anakin's legacy, or recycling PT ideas.

So there is a new prophecy? Or the old prophecy "misread may have been"? Lots of food for thought there.

Did Ben know his uncle was grooming him into some kind of a saviour of the galaxy? That gives interesting new possibilities to Kylo having a warped saviour complex - willing to sacrifice himself but completely messed up at this point.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (71)
Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (72)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (75) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (76)byMoonlight13 Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:06 pm

Piper Maru wrote:LMAO the best part is the article putting Kylo's fascination in the same level with "Rey's new friends".

@Piper Maru

I was like Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (77) . Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (78)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (79)

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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (82) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (83)bybossbaby Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:08 pm


Some of this article jumps out at me for being word-for-word what I want... save for one name.

"Can Rey save Luke Skywalker Kylo Ren from his own darkness?"

"As she tries to pick up her own pieces, she may find they fit together well with the remnants of Luke Skywalker Kylo Ren. Working together, they may become whole again."

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (84)
Jedi Youngling
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (85)

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Date d'inscription : 2017-03-31

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (88) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (89)byPiper Maru Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:09 pm

Darth Dingbat wrote:I just think this "Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One" thing opened up a ton of a new possibilities...

For one thing, I think few fans actually thought there would be a new Chosen One at all. In fact, many seem to be actively opposed to messing with Anakin's legacy, or recycling PT ideas.

So there is a new prophecy? Or the old prophecy "misread may have been"? Lots of food for thought there.

Did Ben know his uncle was grooming him into some kind of a saviour of the galaxy? That gives interesting new possibilities to Kylo having a warped saviour complex - willing to sacrifice himself but completely messed up at this point.

@Darth Dingbat

Even more interesting when you think that Snoke wanted him as an apprentice for his inherent duality ("you're equal parts dark & light" or whatever he said in the novel). Probably Luke and Snoke thought Ben was the Chosen One, but for some reason, Ben decided to go after Snoke.

What did Snoke promised him?

It also makes it far more clear why Ben talks to Vader's mask and wants to finish what he's started. Anakin failed as the Chosen One. If Ben was led to believe that he's mission was to fulfill his grandfather's shoes as the next Chosen One, it makes you wonder what happened when he's been lied his whole life and discovered that Anakin Skywalker was actually Darth Vader.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (90)
Piper Maru
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (91)

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Date d'inscription : 2017-01-15
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (94) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (95)byDarth_Awakened Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:11 pm

The Force Awakens did tell us that Han and Leia’s son, Ben Solo, turned to the dark side and murdered his fellow students at Luke’s new Jedi academy – then went on to join the First Order under the name Kylo Ren. But it didn’t explain why Luke felt it was better to isolate himself than continuing to fight his former apprentice.

Hamill hints that Luke has begun to doubt his own connection to the Force, wondering if he has been misreading it all this time.

[Luke] made a huge mistake in thinking that his nephew was the chosen one, so he invested everything he had in Kylo, much like Obi-Wan did with my character,” Hamill says. “And he is betrayed, with tragic consequences. Luke feels responsible for that. That’s the primary obstacle he has to rejoining the world and his place in the Jedi hierarchy, you know? It’s that guilt, that feeling that it’s his fault, that he didn’t detect the darkness in him until it was too late.”

I still wonder what was the trigger for Ben's darkness?

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (96)
Force Ghost
Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (97)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (100) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (101)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:16 pm

bossbaby wrote:


Some of this article jumps out at me for being word-for-word what I want... save for one name.

"Can Rey save Luke Skywalker Kylo Ren from his own darkness?"

"As she tries to pick up her own pieces, she may find they fit together well with the remnants of Luke Skywalker Kylo Ren. Working together, they may become whole again."


Ruke confirmed! Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (102)

Interesting, though - I'm pretty sure that with Luke there, nobody is going to complain how those ideas erase Rey's agency and diminish her hero's journey and reduce her to a prop in Luke's story. Replace Luke with Kylo, though, and those will be the exact complaints. Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (103)

(Imagine if that were Rey's hero's journey, though! Bringing a disappointed old hero back to the fight, finding belonging with him, and then becoming his padawan/sidekick/companion. Heartwarming, to be sure.)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (104)
Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (108) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (109)byISeeAnIsland Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:32 pm

Darth Dingbat wrote:I just think this "Luke thought Ben was the Chosen One" thing opened up a ton of a new possibilities...

For one thing, I think few fans actually thought there would be a new Chosen One at all. In fact, many seem to be actively opposed to messing with Anakin's legacy, or recycling PT ideas.

So there is a new prophecy? Or the old prophecy "misread may have been"? Lots of food for thought there.

Did Ben know his uncle was grooming him into some kind of a saviour of the galaxy? That gives interesting new possibilities to Kylo having a warped saviour complex - willing to sacrifice himself but completely messed up at this point.

@Darth Dingbat

Yes! Thinking back to the "Ben fell in Rey's place" rumor... If Ben was some kind of "chosen one", then what did/does that make Rey?

A big part of Rey’s future will be uncovering her own past: Who is connected to her? Where did she come from? And why was she cast away?

Is she supposed to be some counterpart (or as the Knights of Rant speculated, an "anti-chosen one") to Ben's "chosen one"?

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (110)
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (114) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (115)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:36 pm


Seems like newsfromjakku's drawing was fairly accurate as to the costume?

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (116)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (117)
Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (121) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (122)byDarth_Awakened Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:37 pm

Darth Dingbat wrote:http://ew.com/movies/2017/08/09/star-wars-last-jedi-porgs-caretakers/

Seems like newsfromjakku's drawing was fairly accurate as to the costume?

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (123)

@Darth Dingbat

It was!

They look like real nuns!

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (124)
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (128) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (129)byDarth Dingbat Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:39 pm

Johnson said The Last Jedi touches on mystical history but doesn’t dive deeply into creating a whole galactic religion, but there will be elements on Ahch-To that deepen the mythology.

Not going to lie, I'll be disappointed if TLJ just quickly "touches on" history Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (130) But we shall see.

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Darth Dingbat
Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (135) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (136)byDarth_Awakened Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:40 pm

The new pilot of MF! LOL

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Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-26

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (142) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (143)byCowgirlsamurai Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:45 pm

Piper Maru wrote:LMAO the best part is the article putting Kylo's fascination in the same level with "Rey's new friends".

@Piper Maru

If that doesn't scream "villainous crush" to people, I don't know what would Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (144)

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (145)
Force Ghost
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (149) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (150)byPiper Maru Wed 09 Aug 2017, 12:48 pm

Cowgirlsamurai wrote:

Piper Maru wrote:LMAO the best part is the article putting Kylo's fascination in the same level with "Rey's new friends".

@Piper Maru

If that doesn't scream "villainous crush" to people, I don't know what would Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (151)


The choice of words was perfect.

You don't become FASCINATED by people you don't feel anything or by "friends" and "cousins".

fas·ci·na·tion (făs′ə-nā′shən)
1. The capability of eliciting intense interest or of being very attractive.
2. The state of being intensely interested or attracted: listened in fascination.
3. An intensely interesting, attractive quality or trait.

Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (152)
Piper Maru
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Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors - Page 3 (156) Re: Discussion: Spoilers/Rumors

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