How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (2025)

Whether you’re selling an old air compressor or trying to haggle over the price on a meat grinder, Craigslist is one of the best ways to find used goods in your local area. People who are just browsing Craigslist might not need to widen their search, but if you’re looking for a specific item, you might need to explore other areas.


  • — Web app
  • SearchTempest — Web app
  • CPlus for Craigslist — iOS and Android
  • Search All Junk — Web app

It isn’t usually the default setting, but there is a way you can branch out and extend your Craigslist search to other locations. These four apps will help you do just that!

Recommended Videos — Web app

How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (1)

One of the simplest and most effective Craigslist searchers online, SearchCraiglist returns fast and complete results for any search term you want (just remember the first few results are going to be ads, just like on Google). You can search your results by relevance or date. Date is often better for simple terms that return a lot of results (e.g. iPhone 12), while relevance is better for more specific searches that have important details (e.g. 1989 Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie card).

SearchTempest — Web app

How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (2)

If you do not reside in the U.S. or you are interested in searching a wider array of online classifieds, SearchTempest is going to give you access to just about everything. It can search Craigslist in its entirety, in addition to eBay auctions and Amazon Marketplace listings. You can even customize your search by site, city, and distance from any particular zip code. You can also search the entire world.

The limitlessness of Search Tempest can feel a little overwhelming initially. Unless you don’t mind paying international shipping on items, you will most likely want to limit where you search. However, for those that want to see all of what’s out there, SearchTempest will show you.

CPlus for Craigslist — iOS and Android

How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (3)

If you’re unsure how wide to set your search, CPlus for Craigslist has expansive geo-location support. Meaning they make it quick and easy to locate the item you’re looking for in nearby cities. Once you’ve begun your search, there are advanced filtering and sorting systems you can tinker with to make parsing through the results that much easier. You can save your searches to make sure you aren’t repeating the same search. You can save any postings that are especially attractive to you in your favorites list.

The app is free to use, though there are advanced features you can pay for if you would like to up your search game. For $1.99, you can enhance the alert functionality. If you opt for the pro version, you can unlock the ability to use multiple Craigslist accounts and post more frequently. It doesn’t matter if you’re searching for garage or yard sales, dating ads, or car sales — if it’s out there, CPlus for Craigslist can locate it for you.

Search All Junk — Web app

How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (4)

If you’ve been searching endlessly in the interwebs for a particular (or just a general) item, we recommend using the Search All Junk tool. It comes as a blessing for those hunting for specific components, designs, furniture pieces, and other arbitrary objects they can’t seem to track down anywhere else. It operates not only on Craigslist but on different popular exchange websites such as Pennysaver and Recycler.

Once you’ve entered the word or phrase you’re searching for, the site lets you use filters that sift through results based on the specified date or region. We promise that using these filters will significantly improve your chances of snagging the item you want before anyone else stumbles across it. You’ll also find a separate sector for advanced searches, which comes in handy when you’re trying to find a particular car model or another similar item.

Overall, the Search All Junk app is an excellent resource for locating and purchasing items, whether you’re in the market for comic books or kitchen tables. No matter what you’re seeking, this site will, without a doubt, help you find it quickly and easily.

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How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends (2025)


How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends? ›

"OR" Search: You can find postings with one or multiple terms by using the vertical bar symbol between words. Grouping: You can group terms together in parenthesis when queries are complicated. Wildcards: You can search for different forms of a word by using the star symbol.

How to search all Craigslist locations at once? ›

How to search all of Craigslist at once
  1. — Web app.
  2. SearchTempest — Web app.
  3. CPlus for Craigslist — iOS and Android.
  4. Search All Junk — Web app.
Mar 29, 2021

How do I search multiple items on Craigslist? ›

"OR" Search: You can find postings with one or multiple terms by using the vertical bar symbol between words. Grouping: You can group terms together in parenthesis when queries are complicated. Wildcards: You can search for different forms of a word by using the star symbol.

How to do a US wide search on Craigslist? ›

In the search field, enter what you're looking for—whether jobs, merchandise, or love—it's all the same to Google! Follow your search word or words with "site:". This will focus the search for information on Craigslist and all of its subdomains. Use additional modifiers to narrow your search.

How do I search local Craigslist? ›

If Craigslist doesn't detect your hometown automatically, you can easily change your region in just a few moments.
  1. Navigate to in your Web browser. ...
  2. Select the best menu option from the list of regions on the right to access additional options. ...
  3. Select the correct city or state as your preference.

How do I mass post on Craigslist? › - Submit RSS to this URL to be posted.
  1. send an HTTP POST request. with a Content-Type of "text/xml" encoded as UTF-8. containing RSS content in the correct format.
  2. wait for a response.
  3. check the response for an <cl:warning> tags.

Can you find old Craigslist postings? ›

Go to the internet archive here to where it says wayback machine type into the box and click browse history.

What is the fastest selling item on Craigslist? ›

12 Items That Currently Sell the Most Money On Craigslist
  • Home Appliances. Gently used or well-maintained appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers are always in demand. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Cars and Motorcycles. ...
  • Power Tools. ...
  • Sporting Goods. ...
  • Garden Equipment. ...
  • Tech Accessories.
Jan 24, 2024

Can you see how many people viewed Craigslist post? ›

Is there a way to track traffic on craigslist posts? No, Craigslist does not provide a built-in feature to track traffic on individual posts. You can't see detailed analytics for your Craigslist listings like you can with a personal website.

What search engine does Craigslist use? ›

Originally Answered: how does the craigslist search engine work? Most search tools that include results from craigslist do so using Google's Custom Search Engine tool. This lets you pass user queries to Google, along with parameters to tailor the results you receive back.

What cities use Craigslist the most? ›

According to the Alexa data, the Los Angeles Craigslist accounts for 6.41 percent of the traffic going to Craigslist, while Chicago makes up 3.07 percent of Craigslist traffic.

How do I narrow a search on Craigslist? ›

Use a minus sign to indicate which term you want to exclude from the search results. For instance, “Herman Miller Aeron C -gray” (without the quotation marks) would leave out any gray chairs from the results. Use more than one minus sign and a term to indicate more than one term that you want excluded.

How do I search multiple Craigslist locations at once? ›

You can use to search all of Craigslist at once, but it offers little help with filtering or organization. CPlus for Craigslist is a mobile app that lets you choose specific cities to search through simultaneously.

Who owns Craigslist? ›

2020 Billionaires Net Worth

Craig Newmark is the founder of online marketplace Craigslist.

How do you select multiple cities on Craigslist? ›

Changing Cities

If Craigslist is automatically loading your true location, and you have decided that you want to list an item for sale on another city's site, click the "Craigslist" title menu on the upper left side of the page. Doing so will direct you to a master list of Craigslist's available cities.

Can you see how many clicks on Craigslist? ›

While there is no accurate way of tracking views on your Craigslist ads without violating Craigslist's rules, that's totally fine because views are not what you should be worried about anyway.

What are the most visited Craigslist cities? ›

In order of most visited, the Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Seattle and Chicago sites have seen the most traffic over Alexa's three-month data collection period.

How to post multiple ads on Craigslist without getting flagged? ›

Posting Numerous Ads Within 48 Hours

One of the best tips on how to post Craigslist Ads without getting flagged is to avoid overposting using the same account within 48 hours. As emphasized previously, Craigslist tends to flag users that spam the website with the same ads repeatedly.


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.