If you are installing Ruby for the first time on a piece of hardware (controller and/or vehicles/air units), follow the install instructions.
If you are updating an existing Ruby system, follow the update procedure as it's simpler and faster. You just need a USB memory stick.
Note: If you use an OpenIPC camera or OpenIPC AIO unit for the air side, and you install Ruby for the first time, see the downloads and setup instructions here: Setup OpenIPC Hardware. If you are updating an existing Ruby instalation, just follow the OTA update procedure.
Note: If you use an OpenIPC camera or OpenIPC AIO unit for the air side, see the downloads and setup instructions here: Setup OpenIPC Hardware
Latest version 9.3
(26 June 2024)
Image for Pi Zero, Pi 1,2,3,4: | ruby_image_9.3.zip |
Image for Pi Zero 2: | ruby_image_zero2_9.3.zip |
Image for OpenIPC boards: | |
Image for Radxa 3W: | ruby_image_radxa_9.3.zip |
Update only (for all Pi versions): | ruby_update_9.3.zip |
Raspberry Pico addon: | ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2 |
Alternative download locations: | http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/ |
What's new:
* Added support for Radxa Zero 3W/3E boards;
* Added option to start/stop video recording using the menu (when no QuickActions buttons or USB keyboard are present);
* Adjusted adaptive video algorithm and parameters;
* Added more developer/power users graphs and stats info;
Version 9.2
(05 May 2024)
Image for Pi Zero, Pi 1,2,3,4: | ruby_image_9.2.zip |
Image for Pi Zero 2: | ruby_image_zero2_9.2.zip |
Image for OpenIPC boards: | |
Image for Radxa 3W: | N/A (pending) |
Update only (for all Pi versions): | ruby_update_9.2.zip |
Raspberry Pico addon: | ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2 |
Alternative download locations: | http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/ |
What's new:
* Add OTA (Over the Air) update for OpenIPC hardware;
* Fix adaptive video on OpenIPC hardware;
* Fix camera flip on OpenIPC hardware;
Version 9.1
(26 Apr 2024)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.4.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Add second hardware UART to Sigmastar OpenIPC camera;
* Add temperature reading for OpenIPC hardware;
* Add shutterspeed for OpenIPC hardware;
* Performance improvments for OpenIPC hardware;
* Update default params for OpenIPC hardware;
* Fix bugs for OpenIPC hardware;
* Added 60 FPS support for Veye cameras;
* Minor UI fixes;
Version 9.0
(03 Apr 2024)
Image for Pi Zero, Pi 1,2,3,4: | ruby_image_9.0.zip |
Image for Pi Zero 2: | ruby_image_zero2_9.0.zip |
Image for OpenIPC boards: | |
Image for Radxa 3W: | N/A (pending) |
Update only (for all Pi versions): | ruby_update_9.0.zip |
Raspberry Pico addon: | ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2 |
Alternative download locations: | http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/ |
What's new:
* Added native full support for OpenIPC hardware (Read here about OpenIPC hardware and it's advantages);
* Show an indicator in the OSD video mode indicator when video link is set as one way video link only;
* Added option to disable all logs on vehicles;
* Reorganized video menu for easy of use and allow for fixed one way or adaptive video link;
* Added option to disable (all) uplink(s), making the system a one way radio link(s) system (downlink only);
* Display in the Tx Power Menu the output power when using a Tx booster too;
* Added option to set a vehicle as always armed (when using vehicles without a flight controller for example);
* Added option to quicky change AGC (camera sensor Automatic Gain Controll) for Veye cameras, using the rotary encoder;
* Fix setup of relay switching using a QA button;
* Minor updates to the video stream protocols;
* Minor bug fixes and improvements;
Version 8.2
(08 Feb 2024)
Image for Pi Zero, Pi 1,2,3,4: | ruby_image_8.2.zip |
Image for Pi Zero 2: | ruby_image_zero2_8.2.zip |
Image for OpenIPC boards: | N/A |
Image for Radxa 3W: | N/A |
Update only (for all Pi versions): | ruby_update_8.2.zip |
Raspberry Pico addon: | ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2 |
Alternative download locations: | http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/ |
What's new:
* Added support for ELRS radio modules;
* Updated video retransmissions algorithm;
* Updated video error correction algorithm;
* Updated HP video profile;
* Added OSD option to render only 3rd party plugins;
* Bug fix: OSD elements are not turned off if an OSD screen is turned off;
Version 8.1
(15 Jan 2024)
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added message when wrong OpneIPC key is detected;
* Aadded option to copy openipc key from memory stick;
* Added favorites option for vehicles, switch between favorites quick action;
* Added option to do update from /boot folder too if an update is present;
* Added option to discard duplicate FC messages;
* Set led blink to fast while software upload;
* Fix SBUS input bug;
* Fix bug: Enabling/disabling RC link does not change on the fly;
* Fix Bug: Switch camera profile Quick Action is not working;
Version 8.0
(28 Nov 2023)
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added support for OpenIPC cameras;
* Minor UI fixes;
* Add numeric keypad mappings for menu navigation;
Version 7.8
(19 Nov 2023)
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added option to set maximum auto keyframe interval;
* Added device id into camera name for Veye cameras;
* Added option to ignore Tx spikes (in video menu);
* Added support and power levels for AWUS036ACS 5.8 Ghz radio card;
* Auto decrease video bitrate if CPU load is too high;
* Added option to switch radio links if a vehicle has multiple radio links;
* Added support for plug and play keyboards, a keyboard can be used now for menu and interface navigation;
* Updated radio configuration menu;
* Updated statistics OSD panels;
* Changed 5.8 Ghz band default frequency to 5825Mhz
* Added option to enable video HDMI output on vehicle Pi;
* Tweaked adaptive video parameters;
* Tweaked H264 auto-quantization parameters;
* Fix bugs in 433/915Mhz radio links;
* Fix bugs on connections with multiple radio links;
* Fix OTA update bug;
Version 7.7
(04 Oct 2023)
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Updated logic for autodetection of hardware buttons;
* Add option to enable SSH access on controller;
* Changed default frequency for 433 Mhz band to 443 Mhz;
* Add support for relay nodes with no camera;
* Update video decoding, adaptive video, auto keyframe algorithms;
* Updated OSD elements and messages to better reflect the relaying state;
* Bug fix: fix slow rendering of menus;
* Fix some bugs on OSD rendering;
Version 7.6
(28 Aug 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.6.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Simplify relay menu and procedure;
* Add autodetection of GPIO pins for buttons: detects if they are connected to 3.3v or ground;
* Added a new OSD stats window: Packets history monitor and radio interfaces Rx history;
* Added a new Quick Action for buttons: Freeze OSD;
* Added a new option to set a custom radio modulation scheme for a particular video profile;
* Update adaptive radio modulation schemes algorithm;
* Optimize IPC mechanisms;
* Fix relaying bugs;
Version 7.5
(24 July 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.5.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added GPIO to force controller mode (GPIO 26);
* Added warning if 433/868/915Mhz radios are not on latest firmware;
* Added OSD telemetry stats window;
* Show warnings and alarms from all active vehicles (when relaying) instead of just active vehicle;
* Bug fix: pairing with vehicles having old versions of Ruby;
* Bug fix: detection of veye cameras on Pi zero 2 or Pi boards with different I2C bus numbering;
Version 7.4
(23 May 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.4.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added support for 433/868/915Mhz bands radio modules;
* Added support for RTL8814AU card and TPLink Archer T2U Plus;
* Added menu option to factory reset a vehicle;
* Show user a warning when camera was forced to a different type than autodetected one;
* Added hue parameter control for Veye 307 cameras;
* Added support for newer revisions of Veye 307 cameras;
* Update autodetection of hardware components at boot time;
* Update logic for auto asigning radio interfaces to radio links (when a vehicle has multiple radio links);
* Update vehicles menu to be able to select or delete vehicles more convenient;
* Last valid log file is copied to the public SD card partition at each boot;
* Show wind (if enabled) in OSD for drones too;
* Added alarm for motor failure (user customisable current draw threshold);
* Fix user selected measuring OSD units for OSD plugins;
* Fix Menu button long press action timings for Raspberry 4;
* Minor UI fixes and updates;
Version 7.3
(21 Feb 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.4.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added relay functionality. Now you can relay a vehicle to your controller using another vehicle.
* Added day/night option for Veye cameras;
* Minor updates to adaptive video logic;
* Minor OSD updates for wind indicator;
* Fix bug on auxiliary data link serial port selection;
Version 7.2
(25 Jan 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.2.zip
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Updated logic for serial ports;
* Updated adaptive video logic;
* Allow downgrade (both controller and vehicles). Some parameters can be reseted on a downgrade;
* Added imperial units for temperatures;
* Added wind speed and direction (for planes vehicle type);
* Added temperature OSD element (from flight controller);
* Added OSD grid overlay options;
* Bug fix: telemetry not working on controller serial output;
Version 7.1
(17 Jan 2023)
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_7.1.zip
Raspberry Pico addon: ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Improved video quality;
* Updated adaptive video and adaptive radio link algorithms;
* Fixed bug on searching and pairing;
Version 6.9
(22 Dec 2022)
Full image for all Pi versions (except Pi Zero2): ruby_image_6.9.zip
Full image for Pi Zero 2: ruby_image_zero2_6.9.zip
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_6.9.zip
Raspberry Pico addon: ruby_pico_extender_6.8.uf2
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* OSD, Stats and UI Updates;
* Changed algorithm for adaptive video;
* Updated radio link protocols;
* Added option to download vehicle logs;
* Updated H264 encoding logic;
* Added autodetection of radio interfaces types and manufacturers;
* Added HDMI output resolution: 1920x1200, 60/75hz
* Added an OSD plugin for heading;
* Added SDK for core plugins development (i.e. for custom data streams, custom video streams, gimbals controll, etc);
* Unified radio links and radio interfaces parameters under a single menu;
* Fix bug for IMX307 cameras;
Version 6.8
(17 Nov 2022)
Download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added option to force telemetry to always be sent on lowest radio datarate, no matter the adaptive radio and video link flags; This is for pushing the longest range;
* Added SDK for hardware plugins;
* Updated SDK for OSD plugins in order for them to be able to receive full MAVLink/LTM telemetry packets if needed;
* Added WDR mode setting DOL for Veye Cameras;
* Added 1600x1200, 60hz HDMI resolution option for controller video output;
* Added support for multiple GPS units;
* Added RX history graph for vehicle radio interfaces too;
* Added option to disable each individual alarm;
* Updated radio links logic; Adjusted adaptive video link params;
* Updated OTA update procedure;
* Updated Ruby commands sent to vehicle logic resulting in faster responses from vehicle;
* Redesigned radio links OSD elements and stats;
* Minor UI updates and fixes;
* Bug fix: Absolute altitude could not be displayed on OSD;
Version 6.7
(2 Nov 2022)
Download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added option to set a radio card as internal/external;
* Update processes monitor;
* Added one more larger menu font size;
* Added option to set speeds measure units to feets, meters, miles or kilometers (/h);
* Updated adaptive video link logic;
* Added option for calibrating controller HDMI display;
* Changed alive led flashing mode: on controller: it flashes every 3 seconds, on vehicle it flashes every second;
* Bug fix: reboot command takes too long to execute;
Version 6.6
(9 Oct 2022)
Download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added new OSD analog gauges for speed, altitude and AHI;
* Updated threshold for video transmission time overload;
* Add options in OSD to show background only on texts elements;
* Added one extra large OSD font size;
* Fix bug in Video menu for Veye Cameras;
* Bug fixes
Version 6.5
(21 Sept 2022)
Download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Updated logic for adaptive video link, retransmissions and vehicles with multiple radio links;
* OSD: Added summary video decoding statistics option;
* OSD updates;
* Video bitrate will now automatically be reduced (temporarily) when there are interferences or TX overloads;
* Added option to automatically sync all the data on the controller on a USB memory stick. After a factory reset or re-flash of the image, Ruby will ask the user to restore settings if he/she wishes so;
* Changed default H264 parameters;
* Added option to reset all developer settings (if modified);
* Added support for newer Raspberry Pi 4 board revisions;
* Bug fix: some 5.8 Ghz radio cards where incorrectly always set to 40Mhz channel bandwidth, resulting in reduced range;
* Bug fixes;
Version 6.4
Download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Updated support for Veye cameras;
* Add WDR parameter for Veye IMX327 camera;
* Add support for live realtime change of video bitrate for Veye cameras;
* Updated logic for adaptive video link;
Version 6.0
Full image for all Pi versions (except Pi Zero2): ruby_image_6.0.zip
Full image for Pi Zero 2: ruby_image_zero2_6.0.zip
Raspberry Pico addon: ruby_pico_extender_5.5.uf2
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Added option to customize controller radio data rates for uplink for each individual card;
* Add support for video retransmissions on multiple video streams;
* Compute uplink quality for each individual radio link;
* Reorganize links statistics and radio card statistics;
* Redesign OSD elements for radio links info and radio interfaces info;
* Show in OSD the current TX card for each individual radio link;
* Show in radio interfaces menus and in OSD which radio card is assigned to which radio link;
* Added the ability to execute custom commands for USB updates and OTA updates;
* Added option to change the resolution of statistics graphs;
* Added more vehicle alarms over radio;
* Ignore frequency hopping while controller is in search mode;
* Show confirmation message when changing the OSD screen using a QA button;
* When applying unsupported radio settings to a radio link, revert them is they are not working;
* Added option to set radio cards models;
* Added more radio control flags: SGI, LDPC, 40/20 Mhz bandwidth;
* Radio control flags are confirmed as working or not by both ends of a radio link;
* Added version check a and capabilities query for external Pico board;
* Added options for even larger OSD font sizes;
* Added one more video resolution for the camera: 1024 x 576p;
* Made OSD font size and transparency configurable per OSD screen and per vehicle, not global;
* When new radio interfaces are detected on controller, show info popup about setting the card as Tx/Rx only if a booter/LNA is connected to it;
* Handle broken I2C buses (bad I2C hardware);
* Vehicle tells the controller when link is lost/recovered;
* Updated video profiles and video parameters;
* Added radio support for multiple video streams capability;
* Updated radio protocols;
* Check vehicles names for invalid characters;
* Fix bug: Timer and total battery mAh where not reset after vehicle hard restart;
* Fix bug: Air speed is zero on OSD (if enabled);
* Fix bug: Camera type and name do not show correctly on controller;
* Fix bug: Ruby UI might restart after video processing to a USB memory stick;
* Fix bug: Video recording and copy to USB stick does not work if vehicle name contains spaces;
Version 5.5
Full image for all Pi versions (except Pi Zero2): ruby_image_5.5.zip
Full image for Pi Zero 2: ruby_image_zero2_5.5.zip
Update only (for all Pi versions): ruby_update_5.5.zip
Raspberry Pico addon: ruby_pico_extender_5.5.uf2
Alternative download locations: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/
What's new:
* Updated video recordings naming convention;
* Minor OSD updates: Signal bars order when vertical; radio card names overlap; show exponential curves for RC channels; OSD HID sticks show RC external link too;
* Add 800x480 video resolution for vehicle camerae, to match some DSI displays;
* Updated logic for RC link and external RC link automatic handover;
* Updated rotary encoder logic;
* Bug fix: Rotary encoder was not used when calibrating joystick if it was set up to be used for menu navigation;
* Bug fix: Total mAh and flight time was not reset after a flight/power off;
* Bug fix: OTA update did not work when multiple radio links where active;
* Bug fix: Parse all variants of MAVLink RSSI indicators messages;
Older versions can be found here: http://www.fastjack2.net/ruby/